Seoul National University​

SNU Department of Physical Education

Tips for Successful Remote Business Meetings

Remote business meetings are becoming more commonplace as workplaces have become more flexible. Working from anywhere in the world is an excellent opportunity to attract a wide spectrum of talent.

There are many challenges that can lead to frustration and disengagement, which in turn can lead to a lack of productivity. For instance meetings can be lengthy due to scheduling, time zones or technical issues. It can be difficult for employees to focus on work after lengthy meetings.

To ensure that your remote meeting runs smoothly, it’s important to choose the right tools and observe proper etiquette. This involves using video to show everyone in the room, following the proper manners of meeting such as being punctual, not checking emails during a remote conference and avoid distractions like texting or multi-tasking. It’s also essential to provide a summary of the meeting to attendees afterward to help them track action items and next steps.

It’s crucial to establish trust with remote workers and ensure they feel valued. This can be achieved by kicking off every remote meeting with some friendly small talk, like asking employees how they’re doing or what they’ve been up to in their personal lives. This is particularly beneficial for those who are new to the job and who feel lonely or secluded when working remotely.

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