Seoul National University​

SNU Department of Physical Education

10 Lesser-Known Benefits of Working Remotely Digital Nomad and Remote Work Tips

Employees who work from home can organize their day better, as they can easily schedule their chores and appointments around work. Open lines of communication are a vital factor in how well a distributed team can work together in a remote setting. But, it is also essential to lay the groundwork and protocols for communication. Some departments, such as IT, may also face difficulties managing employees’ technical issues since most of these have to be resolved remotely.

  • Remote workers tend to eat healthier and exercise more than their in-office peers.
  • On one hand, it helps employees take up working opportunities in companies of their choice, on the other hand, it helps companies become more diverse and inclusive.
  • The first step of developing effective remote work policy is to establish the structure of the work day and week.
  • In a traditional work environment, workers are forced to be morning persons and perform at their best during a specific set of hours.

However, when an employee’s work needed a supervisor’s review, the agency required employees to use its IT tools to coordinate virtually, bolstering productivity. Letting independent workers choose their locations can boost companies, employees, and even the economy, according to research by Prithwiraj Choudhury and colleagues. Finding a way to maintain work-life balance becomes key to maintaining well-being and avoiding burnouts.

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Depending on the size of your business, supporting remote employees could produce significant savings without radically restructuring your company. If you’re looking to hire remote talent, be sure to check out our guides on how to attract, hire, and onboard remote employees. Conventional wisdom states that open offices promote collaboration and save money, but open-plan offices are penny-wise and pound-foolish. There is overwhelming scientific consensus that open-plan offices reduce productivity by at least 15%.

The amount of time does not matter as long as they get their work done in time. Industries, all over the world, are gradually shifting to remote work since it gives greater autonomy to employees and helps increase the overall profitability of the organization.

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CEOs who adapt rapidly by creating their ideal environment will build stronger companies and wind up with stronger, more committed talent. Employers can give employee shoutouts during meetings, town halls, email blasts, and even during quick stand-up meetings. Offering benefits of working remotely small tokens of appreciation such as gift vouchers, small gift baskets, and monetary gifts can go a long way in motivating employees. Profitability— Organizations save an average of $11,000 per year per part-time telecommuter, or 21% higher profitability.

Finding a happy middle point with your employee can reduce transit time for everyone. Your company culture should encourage employees’ professional and personal interests to improve employee satisfaction and employee retention. When you offer learning and development benefits, employees are more likely to feel supported at your company — and less likely to look for a new position elsewhere.

Reduced Need For Employee Perks

In order to be published, comments must be on-topic and civil in tone, with no name calling or personal attacks. “It’s trust—it’s the fear that people will shirk, and I think it’s the lack of clarity from the academic research as well,” Choudhury says. Prior to TEAPP, examiners could work from home as long as they were within 50 miles of the USPTO headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, but they had to report to the office once a week. The agency eventually allowed them to work beyond 50 miles away, but still required weekly trips to the office. Seeking to increase efficiency, the agency implemented the Telework Enhancement Act Pilot Program in 2012.

What are the pros and cons of working remotely?

  • Pros: Higher productivity. Better work-life balance. Healthier lifestyle. More savings and lesser carbon footprint.
  • Cons. Communication Gaps. Difficult to stay motivated. Lack of Social Interaction. Management challenges.

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